Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science


Ongoing study programs

The following Bachelor's and Master's programmes are offered by the Institute of Computer Science  and the Institute of Mathematics, where several CAIDAS members contribute by giving lectures and seminars or by supervising projects and theses.

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (B.Sc.)

The bachelor's program "Artificial Intelligence and Data Science" teaches competencies in the field of AI from the first semester without neglecting basic computer science and mathematics education. Starting in the 3rd semester, "AI and Data Science" labs take place, in which the theoretical knowledge learned so far is put into practice in exciting projects.


Artificial Intelligence (M.Sc.)

The master’s program “Artificial Intelligence” at the University of Würzburg provides research-oriented expertise in analyzing, developing, and applying AI systems. Students benefit from flexible electives, international opportunities, and practical projects. The program prepares graduates for advanced roles in academia and industry.


Mathematical Data Science (B.Sc.)

The bachelor's program "Mathematical Data Science" teaches you the mathematical basics to understand, use, and develop tools in data science and machine learning. Hands-on labs and an industry internship ensure practical application. A master's program starting in winter 2025 deepens your knowledge for research and advanced machine learning.


Artificial Intelligence & Extended Reality (M.Sc.)

Since the winter term 2020 the novel master's programme eXtended Artificial Intelligence is offered. This expert masters course, that is entirely taught in English, focusses on indepth foundations, intuitions and applications of artificial intelligence, with practical applications in the scientific field of extended reality.


Computer Science (B.Sc.)

The study of computer science familiarises students with mathematical fundamentals and the most important sub-areas of computer science. Upon completion of the programme graduates are prepared for consecutive master's programmes like Computer Science (M.Sc) or eXtended Artificial Intelligence.


Computer Science (M.Sc.)

This two-year master's programme enables students to deepen their knowledge in computer science or to specialise in selected focus areas (e.g. artificial intelligence). The courses from the focus areas are included in the points of compulsory elective courses. Students can chose from more than 50 courses.


Teaching events

Pre-Course Computer Science summer 25

As every year the Institute of Computer Science offers a programming pre-course for all students starting their bachelor studies, including the bachelor's program AI and Data Science. The pre-course is embedded in a social and organisational programme including a guided tour of the campus, a joint breakfast and counselling services.


ECML/PKDD Summer School 2019

The summer school "Machine Learning and Data Mining for Geo-Spatial Data/Volunteered Geographic Information, Quality of Experience and Human-Computer Interaction" took place in Würzburg together with the ECML/PKDD 2019. The ECML/PKDD is the largest European conference on machine learning.
