CAIDAS member Ingo Scholtes gives an Invited Talk on "Networks in space and time: Exploring the physics in graph learning" at the Spring Meeting 2023 of the German Physical Society in Dresden.
01.03.2023On 23 and 24 February CAIDAS visited the AI.BAY 2023, the Bavarian International Conference on AI in Munich. We presented two projects at a joint booth with CAIRO from TWHS, and spokesperson Andreas Hotho gave an invited talk.
MehrAI Talks @JMU today: Frank Schweitzer from ETH Zürich
Analysing knowledge graphs
07.02.2023, 16:15 - 17:15 UhrVortragende: | Prof. Dr. Dr. Frank Schweitzer |
CAIDAS member Ingo Scholtes together with Frank Schweitzer from ETH Zürich organizes a workshop "Data Analysis for the Digital Humanities: Projects, Methods, Insights". The workshop will take place in Würzburg from February 6th - 8th.
MehrNew CAIDAS member: Hannes Taubenböck
30.01.2023We are pleased to welcome a new member to CAIDAS. Hannes Taubenböck has been appointed to the Chair of Global Urbanization and Remote Sensing at the Institute of Geography and Geology as of 1 October 2022.