The 46th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2023) is just around the corner and promises to be an exciting event for everyone interested in artificial intelligence. KI 2023, which will take place in Berlin from 26 to 29 September 2023, will be scientifically led by Prof. Dr. Dietmar Seipel from the Chair of Computer Science VI at the University of Würzburg and Prof. Dr. Alexander Steen from the University of Greifswald.
CAIDAS member Ingo Scholtes has been invited to the Dutch Network Science Summer Symposiums as a keynote speaker for 30 August.
MehrAI Talks @JMU: Hannes Taubenböck from CAIDAS
Remote Sensing, AI and Urbanization
18.07.2023, 16:15 - 17:15 UhrOrt: | Hubland Süd, Geb. Z6 (Zentrales Hörsaal- u. Seminargebäude), 00.002 |
Veranstalter: | CAIDAS |
Vortragende: | Prof. Dr. Hannes Taubenböck |
AI Talks @JMU: Stephan Günnemann from TU Munich
Explaining Deep Neural Networks using Techniques inspired by Cognitive Neuroscience
04.07.2023, 16:15 - 17:15 UhrOrt: | Hubland Süd, Geb. Z6 (Zentrales Hörsaal- u. Seminargebäude), 00.002 |
Veranstalter: | CAIDAS |
Vortragende: | Prof. Dr. Stephan Günnemann |
AI Talks @JMU: Sebastian Stober from Uni Magdeburg
Explaining Deep Neural Networks using Techniques inspired by Cognitive Neuroscience
23.06.2023, 14:00 - 15:00 UhrOrt: | Hubland Nord, Geb. 23, 00.001 |
Veranstalter: | CAIDAS |
Vortragende: | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Stober |