Deutsch Intern
Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

Chair of English Linguistics

With Geolingual Studies (GLS) the Chair of English Linguistics runs a new research and teaching unit which combines theory and methodology from linguistics (world Englishes, urban linguistics, corpus linguistics) with current approaches in artificial intelligence, computational humanities and remote sensing. One research focus is the development of algorithms in the areas of sentiment analysis and topic modelling to compare what citizens of megacities around the world think about and how they feel about current events in their city (from G7 summits and the Olympic Games to terror attacks and natural disasters).

Chair website

Prof. Dr. Carolin Biewer

Chair of English Linguistics
Neuphilologisches Institut
University of Würzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: Philosophie-Gebäude
Room: 5.E.22 (Bau 5)