Deutsch Intern
Machine Learning for Complex Networks


Tomorrow, Prof. Scholtes will give an invited talk in the AI Keynote series of the Institute of AI in Management at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.


We currently have multiple open positions for student assistants to support us in the development of the python network analysis package pathpy, e.g. by implementing basic network analysis algorithms, development of unit tests, preparation of tutorials, or completing documentation.


Today, Prof. Dr. Ingo Scholtes will deliver a keynote at the 4th International Workshop on Self-Organised Construction (SOCO), which will be held (virtually) in Washington, D.C., USA.


From today, Prof. Dr. Ingo Scholtes will be heading the Chair of Computer Science XV - Machine Learning for Complex Networks at the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science of Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.
