DFG-funded Emmy Noether group!
Within its Emmy Noether Programme, the German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding a research group on "Computational Analysis of Music Audio Recordings: A Cross-Version Approach"!
moreWithin its Emmy Noether Programme, the German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding a research group on "Computational Analysis of Music Audio Recordings: A Cross-Version Approach"!
moreOur paper "Studying Tonal Evolution of Western Choral Music: A Corpus-Based Strategy" won a best paper award at the 4th conference on Computational Humanities Research (CHR)!
moreWe will offer several seminars for students in Digital Humanities, Computer Science, and eXtended AI.
moreFriday, 23.6.2023, Prof. Sebastian Stober, working at the boarders of AI, neuroscience, and music information retrieval, will give a guest talk at ZPD.
moreWe will offer a master-level course on music information retrieval (MIR) in summer term 2023!
moreNew research group headed by Christof Weiß officially started!